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Sunday, April 17, 2011

12th of April

No, it's not what you thought. I'm not talking about the anniversary of the Civil War (however important that was), or antibullying day in school (as I was informed by some kids). Not even Space Shuttle program anniversary. Instead, a  simple commemoration of humans stepping into space by sending Yuri Gagarin in 1961. I was sad last week because it was an important event to me and apperently to nobody else, save my son. I'm changing my desktop pictures from cosmonauts to Victory Day and here's something that will help you remember it:

Pick your battles

When I was little I was very into movies emotionally when watching them. I mean I could not understand why somebody in the movie sometimes would not act just and dignified, righting the wrong and instead letting the bad character get away with things that were not proper. I guess it's called junior maximalism. Now, much older and somewhat more balanced I realize that walking by and missing wrongs is a natural defence: it is emotionally  and physically draining to correct everything. Human nature  provides us with satisfaction even if we get it right just in general and the bad guy is punished in the end. Pick your battles wisely, the ones that are worth the fight.  Keep the big picture in sight. It's gonna be all right.